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MQOTD: Jim Gaffigan - Actor/Comedian
Posted by Angus on 12/24/2009 (3002 reads)

Jim Gaffigan bacon  "Bits of bacon are like the fairy dust of the food community. You don't want this baked potato? Brrring! Now it's your favorite part of the meal. Not interested in the salad? Bibbity Bobbity BACON! I just turned it into an entree!"

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MQOTD: Adam Richman - TV Host/Meat Lover
Posted by Angus on 09/14/2009 (2506 reads)

Adam RichmanAdam is the host of The Travel Channel's new hit show, “Man V. Food" and is a true meat eater. On his recent trip to Hawaii, he came up with one of my favorite quotes. He said, "Y'know nothin' goes better with beef than beef!"

I couldn't agree more!

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MQOTD: Rachel McAdams - Actress/Hottie
Posted by Angus on 08/08/2009 (2391 reads)

  Rachel McAdams"I stopped eating meat for a few years and got so tired I fell asleep during a Chris Rock show - live, front row! I was like, 'I'm picking up some bacon tomorrow!' You have to be so strict to be a vegetarian. And I'm only human." [On her recently giving up being a vegetarian]

Interview with Elle magazine April 2007

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MQOTD: Danny - Angus' 3 Year Old Son
Posted by Angus on 06/30/2009 (2422 reads)

One morning while eating breakfast with my two boys, Mike and Danny, we were trying to come with the most tasty flavor for a popsicle.

Mikey, who is 6, was first with watermelon. My mind immediately went to some sort of rum and Diet Coke concoction. But, the true epiphany came from my youngest. In a sweet little voice Danny said, "Dada, I know what would be a good popsicle...BACON!"

At that moment, I was overcome! I couldn't have been more proud. A tear welled up in the corner of my eye and I experienced a true father/son moment. Through the welling pride, tears of joy, and laughter... I could not help but shout "THAT'S MY BOY!"

So to all the world's popsicle makers I can only say one thing...


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Meat Quotes from Sherman Alexie
Posted by Sven on 06/29/2009 (2907 reads)

Native American author and comedian Sherman Alexie is a favorite target of PETA, mostly because he doesn't pull punches when it comes to eating animals and overly zealous environmentalists. Enjoy some of his finer moments:

"For one thing, environmentalism is a luxury. Just like being a vegetarian is a luxury. When you have to worry about eating - you're not going to be worried about where the food's coming from, or who made your shoes. Poverty, whether planned or not planned, is a way of making environmentalism moot. Even this discussion is a luxury."

Source: The Iowa Review, vol. 30, no. 3, Winter 2000

"During a recent San Francisco antiwar protest, a young woman carried a sign that read 'Vegetarians for Peace.'

When are we left-wingers going to learn that we are losing the cultural and political battle with conservatives because we are fractured into narcissistic special-interest groups? Why should an antiwar protestor be so concerned about her dietary identity? The political opinions of vegetarians and meat-eaters are, after all, equally important. And what does it tell us about vegetarians that it would never occur to meat-eaters to carry a sign that reads "Pacifist Pork Chop Lover for Peace" or 'Backyard Rib Barbecuer for International Nuclear Disarmament?'"

Source: The Stranger, April 17, 2003

"I've gotten death threats from vegans… What are they going to do? Throw their Birkenstocks at me?"

Source: The Stranger, April 17, 2003

"The day you get a cow up here to beat me in a poetry slam is the day I’ll stop eating them. Only so many words rhyme with 'moo.' I mean, yes, we're supposed to be better stewards. Yes, we're supposed to take care of the earth. Yes, we're supposed to honor the sacrifices made by the animals. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes — but damn it, we're in charge! And you know why? It's because of these [holding out thumbs]...

Maybe you think that carrots are less important than cows. I think they're equal, especially in a sauce."

Source: Live at Cataldo Hall, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA

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MQOTD: Ted Nugent - Motor City Madman/Bow Hunter
Posted by Angus on 02/06/2009 (3034 reads)

Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak.

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Meat Quote of the Day: Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations
Posted by Angus on 12/08/2008 (2838 reads)

"If you're slower than me, stupider than me, and you taste
good...tough shit, you're going to get eaten!"

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Great Moments in Television History
Posted by Sven on 09/29/2008 (2323 reads)

 Space Ghost Coast to CoastSpace Ghost Gives Advice to Willie Nelson:

"Bears are crazy, Willie. They'll bite your head if you're wearing steak on it."

"Kentucky Nightmare" Space Ghost Coast to Coast (May 2001, Season 7, Episode 1)

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Wonderful Tough Little Bits...
on 08/30/2008 (2439 reads)

"Understand, when you eat meat, that something did die. You have an obligation to value it - not just the sirloin but also all those wonderful tough little bits."

Anthony Bourdain

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Red Meat, White Meat, Blue Meat, Meat-O-F*cking-Rama
on 08/22/2008 (2760 reads)

I just love me some Denis Leary!

Meat Lyrics...

"Red meat, white meat, blue meat, meat-o-f*cking-rama. You will eat it. Because ? not eating meat is a decision. Eating meat is an instinct! Yeah! And I know what it's about. "I don't want to eat the meat because I love the animals. I love the animals."

Hey, I love the animals too. I love my doggy. He's so cute. My fluffy little dog... ? ? He's so cute, there's the problem. We only want to save the cute animals, don't we?
Yeah. Why don't we just have animal auditions. Line 'em up one by one and interview them individually. "What are you?" "I'm an otter." "And what do you do?" "I swim around on my back and do cute little human things with my hands." "You're free to go."

"And what are you?" "I'm a cow." "Get in the f*cking truck, ok pal!" "But I'm an animal." "You're a baseball glove! Get on that truck!" "I'm an animal, I have rights!"
"Yeah, here's yer f*cking cousin, get on the f*cking truck, pal!" We kill the cows to make jackets out of them and then we kill each other for the jackets we made out of the cows."

Go here for the rest of the Meat lyrics...

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