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A Whopper of a Whopper
Posted by Sven on 10/22/2009 (2401 reads)

  Burger King Windows 7 WhopperWell, not everything made is Japan is tiny. Check out the new Burger King menu item. Launched in a team-up with Microsoft in honor of its release of Windows 7, the "Windows 7 Whopper" sports seven all-beef patties!

The stunt-burger measures 5.1 inches tall and sells for 777 yen (that's $8.53 to you Midwesterners).

AND... you can still HAVE IT YOUR WAY.

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The Bacon Burger Dog
Posted by Angus on 10/21/2009 (2421 reads)

Bacon Burger Dog  This is absolutely one of my favorite times of the year! I love tailgating! Crisp Fall days, football, and the smell of all different kinds of grilled meats filling the air. All I can say is AHHHHHHHHH!!!

So in honor of tailgaters everywhere, I give you The Bacon Burger Dog! YUM!

1 pound of hamburger
1 pound of thin sliced bacon
8 hot dogs (the real deal, no cheap ones!)
4 slices of cheese(split the slices of cheese in half)
1 egg
16 toothpicks
Tin Foil Wrap

Combined hamburger, egg and your spices/seasonings to taste and form 8 hamburger patties.

Spread out your bacon with every two slices being about 2 " apart.

Slice each hot dog from end to end, NOT completely through, maybe half through the thickness of the dog and insert one half slice of the cheese into each dog.

Place the dog on one end of the hamburger patty and carefully roll the dog while wrapping it with the patty.

Read More to get the rest of the recipe.

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Bacon... or Jerky? What could be Better? Hmmm...
Posted by Sven on 01/26/2009 (2600 reads)

 Bacon Freak - Bacon JerkyLet's see. I've got this delicious bacon but I really need it to be more portable... what to do?

Bacon Freak has come up with what is quite possibly the world's greatest snack idea... at least for us meat-eaters: Bacon Jerky. And it's not just bacon jerky, it's several different varieties of bacon jerky!

Get yours today at, where their motto is "Bacon is Meat Candy!"

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Sven's Swedish Meatballs from Hell!
Posted by Sven on 12/18/2008 (3030 reads)

 Meatballs That Will Kill You
That's not a joke. These things are bad. Bad as in awesome... but also bad as in "deadly artery-clogging cholesterol bombs." The cool thing about this recipe is that I don't really know it. I have made these things so many times that I never measure. Ever. So here, to the best of my ability, is the frequently asked for (but comprised of total guess-work) recipe for Swedish meatballs:

The Stuff:

2 lb. ground beef
2 lb. ground pork
2 cups dried bread crumbs (Italian bread works nicely)
1 qt. heavy whipping cream
1 crap-load of butter
4 cups beef broth or stock (stock is better for you
but it won't matter much once you start this)
2 tsp. ground allspice
2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 tsp. ground white pepper
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. garlic (powder or 2 tbsp. chopped fresh)
1/2 cup chopped onions (sweet is better)
3 eggs


Beat the eggs and set aside. Mix 1 cup of cream with the bread crumbs and set aside. You may need more cream depending on how dry the bread is (you want the consistency of Cream of Wheat). Mix the ground meat together (use your hands like a man). Now in the biggest bowl you have, mix the eggs, spices and onions together. Add the bread crumb mixture and meat and blend it all together with your hands again. Don't lick your fingers. Roll the resulting sticky mess into little one inch balls. You can dust your hands with flour as necessary to keep the mixture from sticking to your fingers.


Melt butter over medium heat in a skillet or frying pan and shallow fry the meatballs, turning them after they brown. The browner they are, the more meaty flavor comes out... but don't burn them. Place the broth or stock in a crock pot or kettle over medium heat and add the meatballs. Add enough water to cover them. Now let them simmer for a few hours. You'll probably need to add water periodically. Pour off the liquid into another container and add the remaining cream. Mix well, and pour it back into the kettle with the meatballs.

You have just made one of the Foods of the Gods. You owe me big time. Pat yourself on the back and share them with your friends, even if they are Scottish.

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Country Fried Bacon? This is the Big One, Elizabeth!
Posted by Sven on 11/05/2008 (2528 reads)


Risque Cafe on N. Clark in Chicago has created what is possibly the crowning bacon achievement, country-fried bacon.

Raw bacon is dipped in a standard egg wash, dredged in peppered flour, deep fried in vegetable oil and served with a side of white gravy according to chef Andrew Niemeyer.

Read more about the dish and the restaurant in the Chicago Sun Times.

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Um...I Only Ordered The Duodecuple Cheeseburger!
Posted by Angus on 10/24/2008 (3525 reads)


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Bacon Like You Have Never Seen it Before...
Posted by Meatylicious on 09/06/2008 (2359 reads)

Umm, this looks delicious.




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