Zombies - The Ultimate Meatatarian
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Bert & Ernie Are ZOMBIES!!!
Posted by Angus on 03/15/2011 (4870 reads)

zombie Bert and Ernie  tshirtWhat is the world coming too? Not even classic childhood icons are safe from the undead! I wonder if Big Bird tastes like chicken?

Check out more zombie tees and other cool shirts at 604Republic!

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What Would You Taste Like?
Posted by Angus on 10/30/2009 (2361 reads)

Cannibal Quiz  OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: We here at CAD do not condone nor do we advocate the consumption of human flesh in any way, shape, or form. Unless, of course, you are a zombie. Zombies are free to eat whom ever they can catch.

I was talking to my sister-in-law the other day and she told me about very interesting article she had read. Apparently, according to said article, human flesh is very easy for other humans to digest. It seems the closer any meat is to the carnivore that is consuming it, the easier it is to digest. Now, I tried to find the article, but I had no luck. Nor could I find any facts to back the claim up. In any case, I think I'll keep my meat consumption to the NON-HUMAN kind. Unless, of course, I become a zombie...then I'M EATIN' EVERYBODY!
Just for fun, here's a little test to see just what you might taste like if someone decided to start gnawing on you. In case you're wondering, I'd taste like roast chicken!

Bon Appetit!

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Zombie Clean!
Posted by Sven on 10/27/2009 (5362 reads)

Billy Mays - Zombie Clean CommercialCan't get those dirty socks clean? Got disgusting blood stains all over your kitchen appliances? Never fear! Zombie Clean will take care of all your stubborn stains! Well... sort of.

Watch Zombie Clean now!

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Kill Zombies Instead of Working
Posted by Sven on 10/08/2009 (2381 reads)

Zombie Shooting GalleryTrapped at work? Bored out of your mind? Kill some zombies! Don't waste another free second in your dismal little cubical. If you've got time to kill, you've got time to practice shooting zombies. You know they're coming. I know they're coming. So quit wasting away the day searching for the next Letterman update and hone those skills.

You can buy the Zombie Shooting Gallery right now at ThinkGeek!

Visit ThinkGeek.com for other time-killing fun.

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Need to Feed Someone to a Zombie?
Posted by Sven on 08/26/2009 (2268 reads)

Zombieland - Welcome to ZLand - Turn yourself into a zombie.That's right. You know the guy. He's a friend, but some days somewhere in the back of your mind you can't help but wish he'd been eaten by a zombie. Well, thanks to Sony's new viral campaign to promote the new movie Zombieland, you can watch anyone you want get attacked by zombies!

Check out "Welcome to ZLand" at zombieland.com and start uploading photos.

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The Zombie Calculator
Posted by Angus on 08/15/2009 (2829 reads)

Zombie Bite CalculatorOK...so you've been bitten by a zombie. How long before you start walking with a limp and craving braaiiinnss? Now you can find out!

Our friends at The Oatmeal (creators of 6 Reasons Bacon is Better Than True Love) have come up with The Zombie Calculator.

All you have to do is answer a few questions and you can find out how much time you have before becoming undead.

In case you're wondering...I'd last 1 hour 31 minutes.

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Why Do Zombies Do That?
Posted by Angus on 08/05/2009 (2447 reads)

In our never ending effort to prepare all of you for the impending zombie apocalypse (Oh and it's coming!) I remembered a quote from Sun Tzu's Art of War that states "know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster." Which makes total sense! The best way to defeat the army of the undead is to get inside their rotting heads and figure out what makes them tick.

Why do zombies like brains so much. Why do they walk that way? So many questions. That's were Dr. Steven C. Schlozman comes in. Dr. Schlozman is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a lecturer at the Harvard School of Education. He's is also a huge fan of all things zombie. Now, I first saw Dr. Sclozman on G4 TV's Attack of the Show and have read a few articles about his love for zombie movies.

The good doctor has done extensive research on the living dead and he even put together a fake medical journal report explaining the neurobiology of the average zombie. He even gave the condition a very technical name. Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, or ANSD.

Now I tried to find the actual paper, but the doctor never actually published it. I did however find an article that explains the doctor's theories in great detail. Check it out here.

So study up! Get to know your enemy. The zombies are coming!

See the G4 TV interview here.

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Zombies Eat Free...
Posted by Sven on 07/21/2009 (2619 reads)

Brains 25 Cents - Zombies Eat Free on Tuesdays - St. Louis, MO Even zombies deserve a break once in a while. Enjoy this slightly edited photo from the corner of Chouteau and Carr Lane in St. Louis, Missouri. Unfortunately, the drive-in that sold those brains is now gone in favor of a hospital. Go figure.

In any case, click here to see your new desktop wallpaper.

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Jesus Raises the Dead... in Portland
Posted by Sven on 07/21/2009 (2303 reads)

Well, it was only a matter of time before Jesus started showing up amongst the zombie hordes that are springing up all over the world. Here's a few candid shots of Jesus hanging with his homies:

Zombie Jesus Brisbane
2008 Brisbane Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Portland
2008 Portland Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Houston
2008 Houston Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Calgary
(2007) Third Annual Calgary Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Detroit
2008 Detroit Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Detroit
2008 Detroit Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Richmond
2008 Richmond VA Zombie Walk
Zombie Jesus Richmond
2008 Richmond VA Zombie Walk

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And Sven Thought His Commute Sucked!
Posted by Angus on 06/30/2009 (2139 reads)

Here you don't get a ticket for driving too fast. You get your brains eaten for driving too slow!

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