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One Meat I'll Never Eat!
on 08/22/2008 (2177 reads)

 head cheese

Ok, so I know we're all Meatatrians here, but this is just one meat I'll never eat.

And who's the clever fella who decided to name it "Head Cheese"? Yeah, I know it's made outta head, but still. Something a little more appetizing sounding would have been nice.

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It's NOT A Burger!!
Posted by Angus on 07/30/2008 (2422 reads)
I Don't Get It!

OK... there is something that has been bothering me for a very long time. Those that know me will tell you this is my biggest pet peeve! I have a lot of them, too! I am sick and tired of all the non-meat eaters referring to those abominations they eat as "veggie burgers!" Are you kidding me? A burger with no meat? That's NOT a burger!! Call it a veggie patty or vegetable puck, but STOP CALLING IT A BURGER!

Now before everyone runs to the dictionary and looks up the word burger, I already did. Most of the dictionaries do mention "veggie burger" when defining the word "burger." That's the problem! The vegetarians have stolen the word from us and it's time we took it back! If you don't want to eat meat... fine... whatever... that's your choice. But why do you have to justify it by pretending to eat meat? They make these patties to look like and even taste like meat. If you made the right choice then show it! Eat a "Veggie Frisbee" and be proud!

It's simple. If it has meat in it, then it can be called a "burger!" Turkey, chicken, salmon, the list goes on and on. If it's a dead animal then it's OK and quite tasty too! So let's leave the vegetables where they belong... on TOP of the burger... not IN the burger! Let's take back the burger and call those vegetable things what they really are... a coaster.

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Here's My Beef!
Posted by Fergie on 07/23/2008 (5888 reads)

Bikini BBQCall me old fashioned, but since when is it entirely the man's job to cook out on the grill? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy flipping a burger as much as the next guy, but after a long day of mowing the lawn, walking the dog, washing the car, raking the leaves and cleaning out the gutters, the very last thing I want to do is slave over a hot grill. If my wife can cook me dinner in the kitchen, then she can just as well cook out in the yard, while I drink a beer.

If you ask me, there is nothing sexier than a woman sweating over some hot coals and some hot meat. I mean, seeing some fat guy with a sweaty plumbers crack burning hotdogs on a Smokey Joe just dosn't make me hungry. Now give me some fine looking young broad in a micro bikini, putting some nice sear lines on my T-bone, now we're talking dinner time. It's time to put the women back behind the grills
where they belong.

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Got A BEEF With Someone Or Something?
Posted by Angus on 07/17/2008 (2483 reads)
I Don't Get It!

Tired of all the "meat is murder" mumbo jumbo? Have you been wronged by a non-meat eater? Do you have a BEEF with someone or something that is meat related? Well we've added a new topic just for you! "I Don't Get It" is where you can post your comments, beefs, or rants! can even YELL if you want to!

Meat! Meat! Meat!


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