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Chew & Review - Trail's Best
Posted by Angus on 08/12/2008 (2974 reads)
The Jerky Jar

We know...we know! It's been a little while since our last review. Sorry! We have been scouring the world and the web for all things meat! While on our latest Meat Quest we were walking through our local grocery store where we came across a very nice display of jerky. We were familiar with most of the brands, but there were a couple that we had not yet gnawed upon. So we closed our eyes and randomly grabbed a handful. The first lucky contestant is "Trail's Best -Original Flavor". Enough of the gab! Less talkie, more reviewie!

Click "Read More" for the review:

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Chew & Review - House of Jerky
Posted by Sven & Angus on 06/26/2008 (2809 reads)
The Jerky Jar

You're probably asking yourself... "Self... what the HELL qualifies these two yahoos to review Jerky?" It's simple! We eat jerky everyday and it's OUR site! OK... need a little more than that? We do eat jerky while we are working everyday. We have an actual 1 GALLON "Jerky Jar" that is never empty! We've had the good fortune to try Jerky from every corner of the globe. That's right... we've even eaten REINDEER!

Now, enough of the JIBBA JABBA... on with the review!

Click below to read more.

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Coming soon...
Posted by Angus on 06/19/2008 (2423 reads)
The Jerky Jar

Sven & Angus chew and review all the jerky they can get their hands on!

Keep checking back! The first review is coming soon!

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