Posted by dirtykalb on 07/31/2009 (2633 Reads)

  Dakota's DallasSo, our fearless leader got himself a nifty new HTML editor on the article generator. Since its such a nice and useful tool, I present you with the latent bifurcated and somewhat narcissistic Meat Quest destination # 5(ish):

Let me be clear on this, typically and in the future I will not send you to fancy schmancy steak restaurants because, well I have to assume that like me you are too broke or cheap to drop 200 bucks for some meat. But if you live in Dallas, or you like spendin' loot to get with stuffy chicks from the nearby sorority, this place is for you. It's also got a VERY tasty meat selection and some smooth scotch to wash it all down. mmmmmmmmmmmm

Dakota's was established in 1984 and has been a downtown Dallas dining icon for over 20 years. Dakota's unique underground location has an interesting story behind it. It is located one level below street level on a section of real estate that was once occupied by the First Dallas Baptist church. There is a legally binding clause in the deed that prohibits any future owner from selling alcohol on former church grounds. Because "on the grounds" and "below ground" are two different terms, and because Lincoln Property Company wanted a restaurant to anchor their international headquarters, land was excavated and the restaurant was placed 18 feet below street grade.

Check it out here.

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